Rhino and Badger Published!

The Rhino and the Badger is now available as a Kindle ebook! https://www.amazon.com/Rhino-Badger-Ken-Pascoe-ebook/dp/B08G5DB4NK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3H6623Z2OJNEN&dchild=1&keywords=ken+pascoe&qid=1597966511&sprefix=ken+pascoe%2Caps%2C235&sr=8-1 Like so many authors before me, I had an idea. The idea bounced around in my head until it had to come out, so it became words in a file. I wrote, edited, solicited feedback from my wife and others, and improved … Continue reading Rhino and Badger Published!

The Rhino and the Badger

The story below is on its way to being published as an e-book in the near future, plus a limited print run. It's a story parents can read to their young children. I'll provide the first chapter here to give you a taste of the story. The published version will have great illustrations by Julianne … Continue reading The Rhino and the Badger